A STUDY IN PARANOIA The pirate community has advanced much over the last decade. With the advent of thousands of BBS systems across the country, pirates have a wealth of information at their disposal. With these advancements, however, a new wave of paranioa has just recently swept the BBS community as a consequence of the governments attempts to stamp out the pirate comunity, resdulting from what the general public knows as Operation Sundevil. This operation has attracted national attention, to the point that Newsweek featured an article on the operation in their July 2, 1990 issue.   While sysops have a right to feel threatened by this crackdown, paranioa has reached new proprtions. One must realize that this crackdown has mainly dealt with so-called carders, phreakers, and hackers, many sysops have felt a need to step security. Stories of police raids on teenagers homes, with guns drawn and family members forcibly restrained(Newsweek, July 2, 1990) and tales of thousands of disks being consficated by the feds have prompted a new wave of paranoia sweeping across the nation. Case in point (the real handles have been changed for obvious reasons) : The Hackster and his pal, The Insane are both caught carding. While one is set free, the other, The Insane spends the weekend at Juvenile Hall. Word spreads around that a plea bargain is being attempted and that The Insane will be giving out the names and numbers of Elite boards around the nation, and that soon, the feds will be logging on under his handle and password, thereby busting the sysop and the users of the board. Within days, word has spread around and log-on messages have popped up on numerous boards around the nation, all expressing the same ideas : This board is legitimate BBS system, all fraudulent activities such as carding, phreaking, etc..etc.. shall not be tolerated. The sysop of one mega-board even thinks of shutting his board down permanently, fearing that the feds will come to his house and consfiscate his computer equipment. Meanwhile, The Terminator has done nothing of the sort concerning any plea bargain, thus the whole episode was a complete fiasco. Episodes such as the above are very common nowadays. When the major board BBC went down, and the sysop began giving out the names of various users on his board, many board went dowen immediately. However, in this case, the paranioa was well justified. However, in the above case, emotions were carried too far and resulted in an unwanted episode. The government claims to have seized 42 pirate and phreak/hack boards around the country, along with approximately 23,000 floppy disks in 14 cities. One must realize, however, that this is a very small percentage of the BBS community. Mainly, Operation Sundevil have focused on upon the major hack/phreak boards, but paranioa has spread too all facets of the pirate community. Sysops are afraid of this so-called witch-hunt upon the pirates of the world. One can only hope that paranioa doesnt in fact do more damage than the crackdown itself.